Vikings take the land
According to the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the first Scandinavian settlements took place when the great army, which had devastated, plundered, and conquered three of England's four kingdoms, was divided in AD. 874. Part of the army went north to Northumbria under the leadership of Halfdan, and in 876 the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle reports that they divided the land among themselves and began to plow and provide for themselves. surname. The following year, another part of the 3D printed hoodie Great Army settled in East Mercia, and finally in 880 the last part of the Great Army settled in East Anglia under Guthrum's leadership. However, a small group chose to go to the Kingdom of France and continue to loot there. Around the same time as the settlement in East Anglia, Guthrum made peace with King Alfred of Wessex to establish the border between the Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. Although the border changed several times over the next century as the Anglo-Saxons gradually conquered parts of Scandinavia, today it is generally considered the border between England and the Scandinavian-controlled Danelag.

Scandinavian settlements in the countryside
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle reports partly that the Scandinavians divided the land among themselves and partly that they began to plow and provide for themselves - that is, they settled in the countryside. This is supported by topographic documentation, which also indicates that the larger Anglo-Saxon properties were divided into smaller units when they were taken over by the Scandinavians. The extent of the Scandinavian settlements is unknown. The large number of places of Scandinavian origin indicate a large population of immigrants, but otherwise, only some archaeological traces of clear Scandinavian settlements in the countryside have been found. . At the same time, there is ample evidence that Scandinavian settlers did not form a particularly ethnically defined group, but instead lived side by side with the Anglo-Saxons. This led to the formation of an Anglo-Scandinavian mixed culture, which contained both Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavian elements, but also contained new cultural expressions that arose in the encounter between the two cultures. chemical.
Cities of Danelag
The Scandinavian presence in England also became important in Anglo-Saxon cities, although at this time there were no urban settlements of a similar size and organization in Scandinavia. Especially in the tattoo clothing brands center are York, the capital of northern England, and the Five Counties; Derby, Stamford, Leicester, Nottingham and Lincoln. Here Scandinavian settlers engaged in craft and trade networks with extensive ties to both the Scandinavian homeland, as well as to mainland Europe and beyond to the Middle East and Byzantium .