The art of mummification
The art of mummification of the ancient Egyptians appeared from 2700 BC and lasted until the 5th century. In Egyptian culture, people believed in eternal life in the world of the gods after death, so The embalming was also an expression of faith for the longevity of the Egyptian kingdom.
The principle of mummification is based on dehydrating the dead person's body and then removing the perishable parts such as organs and brains. The next step the mummy will be left in dry natron for about 70 days to pasteurize. Finally, the dried, fragrant grass will be stuffed into the hollow of the internal organs, and then carefully and thoughtfully massaged with fragrant oil and wrapped in cloth. The mummy's fingers were caged with golden tubes. The brains and organs of the deceased when removed from the mummy are stored in 4 vases.
The burial ritual is also very mysterious today, archaeologists are tattoo clothing still discovering more interesting information with new excavations. The art of mummification of ancient Egypt has long been known to many people around the world.
Ancient Egyptian script
Archaeologists have found hieroglyphs carved on paintings in monuments found during excavations of Nekhen in 1894. These hieroglyphs are believed to date to around 3200 BC. .
Recently, however, archaeologists have found symbols on Gerzean pottery, 4000 BC, which have similarities with ancient Egyptian writing. Egyptologists have classified the writing system of Ancient Egypt into the category of hieroglyphs, which is the earliest form of the world's writing system. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs from the 4th century are no longer in use.
By the 15th century, people began to decipher this ancient writing system. In the 19th century, a French archaeologist named Champollion deciphered Egyptian texts.

Great works
More than 10,000 years ago the Nile Delta was the place where an early civilization in the world began. Along with the emergence of that civilization are great works built on a densely concentrated area with special Egyptian cultural values. Ancient Egypt left humanity one of the Seven Wonders of the World, the Great Pyramid of Giza and the giant Sphinx. The characteristic of ancient Egyptian architecture is the scarcity of wood materials, so they used mainly unburnt bricks and stones in construction.
Today many small buildings of ancient Egypt have been destroyed and swept away by the unusual fury of the Nile. But due to the dry and hot climate of Egypt, it has helped to preserve a lot of unburnt brick constructions. Some villages still exist today, such as Deir al-Madinah, the fortress of Buhen and Mirgissa. The stone structures in the high ground are not affected by the floods of the Nile but are affected by sandstorms.
Islamic culture and beliefs
Egyptians are very hospitable. They can all speak English even at a level that is not very good. They all use email to exchange photos and letters. Although studying Egyptians, they still keep the Egyptian Muslim culture quite picky. It is not difficult to ask for directions or start a conversation with the people here, but it will be difficult to ask about their beliefs and views on the country's leadership system. Women with veils are always shy when interacting with strangers.
There are still Christians in Egypt, but the vast majority of Egyptians are Muslims like other Arab countries. Because of Islam, the Egyptians' dress is very strict, especially for women, although today the rules for women are much more open and open. However, in the traditional culture of the Egyptians, women always dress quite discreetly and simply.
Communication culture of the ancient Egyptians
In communication, Egyptians often meet face to face, stand or sit close to each other to 3d t shirt exchange and talk. When greeting, be careful in calling the person's name. Egyptian names are written in Arabic, not using the Latin script like English, which makes it difficult to remember. Sometimes the pronunciation also makes us misunderstand the meaning of their name. Therefore, be sure of the proper name of the Egyptians when calling them by name. The point to note is that women and men never shake hands.
The beautiful country of Egypt still has a lot of interesting things waiting for them to discover, come and experience the customs and lifestyle of the people on the mysterious Nile.