“Mindanao,” written by Uadamen, is a fusion between Afroswing, Dancehall, and Tropical Music. The song aims to produce a balance between the typical Afroswing slow whine and the genre ‘Dance.“ Uadamen’s aim is to make something catchy, as well as introduce the range of his natural voice. He especially notes this in the second chorus where the undertone is a higher pitch.
The meaning behind Mindanao is all about Uadamen reassuring a girl he finds attractive that he has the means to make her life enjoyable. And also bringing into light the wonderful Island of Mindanao.
Press Release
“I know island girls like to whine, so come whine for me.” Mindanao is an Afroswing-Dancehall type song with a tropical vibe. Written by Uadamen and produced by Eman, both belonging to FXRGN Music Group, the song aims for visualization both in its sound and in its lyrics. The drums and compilation of the instruments perfectly infer the tropical nature, and supports Uadamen’s natural bass-baritone voice. Uadamen points out his vocal range in the undertones, this is evident in the second and third choruses, but his use of the raspy vocals in the first verse forces the listeners to visualize the coarse, yet refined beauty of the beach. The lyrics point at Uadamen reassuring “island girl,” that he is capable of satisfying her every desires, from needing a Prada bag, to flying overseas on vacation. Uadamen keeps the lyrics playful, catchy, and sensual all at the same time, this forces the listener to pay attention to the words in detail, while also grooving along.
The word Mindanao refers to one of the largest islands in the South of Philippines, known typically for its natural beauty. Uadamen admires beauty in nature, and found Mindanao a wonderful location to base his song on. In his words “I have a thing for islands, I’m a tropical guy and I’m all about the tropical vibes.”
The song aims to bring a balance between the typical Afroswing slow whine and the genre “Dance.” The catchy lyrics, and the repetition of the chorus opens avenues for DJ remixes for the Dance genre, while still keeping its Afro Dancehall integrity. The subtle inflections after the second chorus amplifies the sensual aspect of the song, bringing it from a heavy whine to a slow whine, and the verbiage and pronunciation of certain words throughout the song deepens the impression.
In all, Mindanao is an exceptional beauty of a track with a complimentary artwork that brings the beauty of island music into the light. A worthy listen, and a worthy replay.